How Real Estate Stats Apply to Tampa and Why Perception Is Not Reality Housing bubbles may be inevitable as populations shift, architects toil, contractors rush to build ever smarter homes and supply-and-demand goes up and down. But are we looking at a housing market crash in the next two years? Almost two-thirds of homeowners worry […]
Frank DePasquale Mid-Century Home on the River in Tampa!
Frank DePasquale Mid-Century Home on the River in Tampa! Meet the Home that’s Not Just a Stunner but Also an Architectural Prize! I’m always excited to have a new listing, but this one especially gets my blood going. Two reasons: It’s a classic mid-century modern, a personal style favorite of mine, and it’s also a […]
Keep Your Eyes on the Screen: Florida Real Estate News Is Moving Fast
Tampa Real Estate Suffers From Chronic Low Inventory and Fastest Price Hikes | [STATS]
Single Family Homes – Will Sticker Shock Soon Be Upon Us? Something is shifting in the Tampa-St. Pete-Clearwater housing market and the changes are seismic! Sales of homes in Hillsborough County priced at more than $1 million are up 52 percent over the previous year, the latest stats show. That’s dramatic. The only price range revealing a such […]
Buyer Beware: You May Be Competing with Foreign Investors Who Will Snap Up Your Dream Home Ahead of You!
Foreigners looking for “safe havens” for their money are buying real estate in US cities like Tampa and Miami, pushing such investments to a 10-year high, reports Florida’s Business Observer as well as the venerable Florida Trend. True: the study in question tracks commercial real estate transactions. But foreign investors are making their influence felt […]
Tampa’s Real Estate Inventory Shortage Explained!
Tampa Bay Real Estate Market Topping the Charts As legions of Americans prepare to move households this summer, guess which metro area is the number one hot spot? Tampa! We already have a shortage of inventory and the most recent news may cause an even greater lack of supply. In a recent report, Tampa […]
Florida’s Mortgage Fraud Problem and How to Get Fraud Alerts
House Stealing: How Someone Can Take Possession of Your Home – at Least on Paper You’ve bought a home. The documents are all properly filed in the courthouse. And maybe you’re even approaching the point of having all the loans paid off. No worries, right? Unfortunately, home-sweet-home can sometimes offer up a nightmare scenario. An […]
2016 Tampa Housing Market Forecast |Top Real Estate Market Trends
Florida Real Estate, International Buyers and Mortgage Rates Drop!
Florida Real Estate Market Update In case you missed it, last month Money Magazine named Tampa as one of the best places to live in the US. No matter how many homes you might have bought or sold, looking at price data never gets old. Fortunately for those who lost value during the Great Recession, the […]
Money’s BEST Big Cities | Tampa Is On The List..Here’s Why!
Tampa has made Money’s 2015 “5 Best Big Cities” list, classified as “Best in the Southeast.” Whether you’re picking Tampa as a place to relocate, retire, or simply choosing to continue calling Tampa home, you’ll be pleased to see the city recognized in key quarters. Tampa is in the news, and in a good way. […]