Looking to find the best neighborhoods in Tampa? Start by finding out what the crime rate is.
Hillsborough County: I found a great site that allows you to map out the crime in a particular zip code or you can even search by street address. Let’s say you are looking to buy a home and want to know what type of criminal activity has happened in the past 30 days. If you are searching in Hillsborough County, you would go here , input the information and in real-time have the capability of seeing all criminal activity. The website allows you to search by theft, assault, murder, robbery, drug activity and even more. The Hillsborough County Crime website is by far the most comprehensive out of the three sites I’ve used.
City of Tampa: If you are looking for crime stats in the Tampa City limits, you won’t be as impressed with the information available to you online. The latest reports aren’t updated as often and the website is just plan hard to use. Here’s the link to the page You’ll have to do some digging around to get any real information unfortunately.
Pasco County: If you are looking for crime in Pasco County they have a site that will allow you to search by subdivision. Better than what the City of Tampa has to offer, yet not as robust as the Hillsborough County site. If you are thinking of buying a home in Pasco, you can go here to search criminal activity
Sexual Predators Living in your neighborhood?
This Neighborhood Search allows users to enter any address in Florida and search the Florida Sexual Offender/Predator Registry for any registered sexual offender or predator living within a 1 to 5 mile radius of the address entered. You can find the site here.
When you are considering moving to a new neighborhood these sites can be invaluable information to help you decide where a safe place to live is for you and your family.
Many subdivisions have taken a big loss on unpaid homeowner’s association dues, which have lead to unsightly common areas, landscaping and the overall financial stability of the HOA may have been jeopardized. You can only see so much online! You will also want to know the condition of a particular neighborhood, which can’t always been seen in photographs in MLS. Consult with a Realtor first!
If you have any other resources for crime statistics that I may have missed, please leave a comment and share!
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