The information provided was complied from 3 recent news articles, and the Florida International Survey-2011. Find out where investors are buying!
South Tampa Realtor
Aol Money and Finance posted an article about the Best Places to buy a second home or vacation home. I decided to do some research based on their criteria for a smart Vacation Home Buy. What Makes a Smart Vacation Home Buy? 1. Affordable: homes for less than $350K 2. Convenient: less than three hours from […]
Thinking of buying a vacation home in Tampa Bay? With our white sandy beaches, the Tampa, St. Pete and Clearwater areas are one of the BEST places to invest. Many buyers are getting properties for 50% less than what they had sold for in 2005 & 2006. Here’s the latest stats and how Floridians see our […]
Second Home Purchases in Florida In addition to being a favorite location for those moving from other states or from abroad, Florida is also a favorite destination for second home buyers. In fact, NAR Buyers Survey reveals the highest proportion of recently purchased vacation properties, as well as investment properties, were in the South, […]